OMORI 考察、解説などメモ置き場

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Sunburnリンク集!(Link Collection) A-L

このリンク集は新たにSunburn(サニー×オーブリー、Sunbrey)を好きになった方が、関連作品と製作者の方を探しやすくなるようにするために作成しました。 リンク先のクリエイターさんは必ずしもsunburn、あるいはomoriをメインに扱う方では無いことにご注意…

Mari and the lily of the valley: the power to see a brighter future

I would like to write a little about a possible interpretation of Mari’s lily of the valley. Please keep in mind that this depends on some of my previous thoughts*1: Headspace may have existed before the Dreamer appeared With Mr. Outback a…

Is dream Aubrey a fantasy?

Who is Aubrey in love with? What is the meaning behind the school filled with Aubreys in Black Space? Why does Aubrey's bed appear in Headspace? In this article, we look at these mysteries and more that point to Aubrey and Sunny's past rel…